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Tour 2

A Tour of the Church - From the font into the north aisle

The font is the most visible remaining part of the original church. It has an octagonal bowl carved from sandstone, certainly not local, with roughly carved heads at each alternate angle. The two incised crosses are probably consecration crosses, one carved when the font was first used, and the other at the re-consecration after the fire. Only the bowl is ancient, its stem and base are 'modern'.

Below the tower, you will see the Curwen Screen, installed in 2000. Magnificent etched glass panels, designed by Sally Scott, surmount the glass and wood base. The Angels & Music design, depicting angels glorifying God through music, reflects the theme of the surrounding wall. The additional enclosed space this has created in the Tower Room has many uses, including an area to which parents with very small children may withdraw, if they wish, yet still hear the service transmitted through to them. In the Tower Room you will see, on the side walls, the wooden railings which enclosed the altar before the 1870 restoration.

At the base of the tower is the statue of St Martin. This carved wooden figure of the Saint shows him on horseback with a beggar, on foot, beside him. The Saint is dividing his cloak with his sword to give half to the beggar, illustrating the best-known story of St Martin who became bishop of Tours in France and died in 400 A.D. The statue is probably of foreign origin and dates from the 17th century. It was returned to the church in 1915, having been removed for safekeeping during the 1870 restoration. Nearby is an ancient oak chest one of two in the church, which date from the late 17th or early 18th century. The chest has three iron straps and was used as a safe place to keep the parochial records and documents. The Rector and two wardens each had a key so the chest could only be opened when all three were present.

The only aisle window that is not made up of stained glass is found in the North Aisle and is known as the Carrier's Arms Window. It contains small pieces of ancient glass, including representations of the emblems of a carrier: a hook, five skewers and a coiled rope. These commemorate the local carrier, Bellman, referred to earlier, who brought the lead for the roof on his packhorses. According to history, there were originally three "marks" (trade symbols) of local benefactors including items relating to the local wool industry (shears and the rope and wanty-hooks for carrying bales on the ponies). More details of the aisle windows may be found on a pillar at the west end of the church. Further down the North Aisle is the Memorial to members of the Fleming family of Rayrigg, the last individual patrons of the living at St Martins. Sir Richard le Fleming was rector of Grasmere before being made a rector here in 1823. The last Fleming patron transferred his rights of presentation of new rectors to local trustees in 1967. more>>>

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